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12 Tips for the Kratom Lifestyle

There is kratom use, then there is what’s called the Kratom Lifestyle.

Taking kratom once in a while, when pain flares up, or at times of anxiety, or you feel your mood needs elevation, this is characteristic of the Occassional Kratom User. Some people, however, have chronic pain, constant anxiety, or other conditions that are continually present, to such an extent that their work, family, or enjoyment of life suffers significantly.

The customers who experience constant medical issues that require the relief that kratom is said to provide, they have learned how to effectively fit kratom into their daily routine, without any problems. Here’s how the Kratom Lifestyle works for those who have successfully adopted it.

First, who is the Kratom Lifestyle designed for?

As stated, it’s an option for anyone who suffers from ailments that seem to be greatly diminished, or eliminated altogether, by the alkaloids that are found in kratom. The Kratom Lifestyle is not for those who seek to “get high” on some recreational party drug.

Kratom is a substance that is reported to have no disabling addictive qualities and possibly provides effects that could classify it as a legitimate medicine. As of this date of writing, it cannot be described as having specific medicinal benefits, until the FDA approves it, ideally classifying kratom as a dietary supplement, like lysine, papaya enzymes, vitamin C, or green tea.

Using kratom on a regular basis is a regimen that should not be entered into lightly. You will have to make some changes to your life routine.

Tips on the Kratom Lifestyle:

ONE: Take the lowest dose.

You’ll definitely want to be strict about using the smallest amount and least frequent dosing schedule that is possible that provides you with desired effects. Less is more. Larger doses can have diminishing returns and backfire.

Once you determine your optimum dose amount (e.g., 8 grams) and dosing frequence (e.g., once in the morning and once at bedtime every day).

TWO: Do not keep increasing your dose.

There will be no reason to escalate your kratom usage. Once you arrive at the ideal dose, it will remain steady for years. Only occassionally will you feel a need to take a little extra, in the form of adding a few more grams, or sprinkling some extract into your spoon, or sipping a liquid kratom shot, or swallowing a tiny bit of kratom resin “candy”.

THREE: Skip days whenever possible.

This will help you avoid developing a tolerance to kratom. When you resume taking it, the effects will probably kick in a bit more.

FOUR: Rotate your kratom strains.

Don’t use just one type (e.g. Aceh Good, Dark Green, or Red Bali) all the time. While you may have a favorite, switch the strains you use, so your body doesn’t get too familiar with any specific kratom alkaloid profile, which will cause it to slowly start to have decreasing effects.

FIVE: Use kratom responsibly.It’s actually difficult to use kratom recklessly. If you take too much, you’ll likely vomit it. Don’t mix kratom with other medicines if at all possible. Be sure to avoid taking kratom along with alcohol, opioids, or benzos. You may find that kratom satisfies you on many different levels, making you no longer interested in substances you used to crave.

SIX: Be careful about telling others.

You definitely will not want to blab to your doctor or any medical professional. They tend to frown upon any substance that they don’t prescribe, and they won’t listen sincerely to any lectures you may try to give them. You don’t want “drug seeking behavior” written into your permanent chart.

Friends, family, employers – you may want to remain silent about your kratom use. Other people may be very ignorant about kratom and may accuse you of “still using dope”, “exhibiting drug seeking behavior”, or “remaining an addict”, even though your life has greatly improved since you started using kratom.

SEVEN: Drink lots of water.Kratom is extremely dry, it sucks the moisture out of you, and can leave you parched. This causes kratom to be constipating. By taking kratom daily, you increase your risk of getting backed up. Be sure to increase your fluid intake. Drink more water, juice, herbal teas.EIGHT: Exercise more.Kratom will get into your system faster, and more powerfully when you move around. Go for a stroll, mow the lawn, shovel snow, do some gardening, take your dog for another walk, paint a fence, get active. This movement will also help your bowels.

NINE: Store it carefully.

Keep your kratom powder in dark glass jars with airtight, rubber sealed lids, like jars for canning and preserving. Your kratom needs to be stored correctly to avoid sunlight, mold, and contamination. All herbs and spices start to lose flavor, freshness, and potency after about 12 to 18 months. So be sure to maintain your kratom supply in the best condition possible. A dark kitchen pantry or cool storage cabinet are good places to keep your kratom.

TEN: Stick to a good vendor.You might not want to experiment with a wide variety of sources for kratom. Sometimes the kratom products sold in a tobacco store, head shop, or gas station can be overpriced and of questionable quality. Often, it’s not 3rd party lab tested. When you discover a reliable, fairly priced kratom vendor, you have accomplished a great goal for the Kratom Lifestyle.

ELEVEN: Advocate for kratom legality.

Join, fund, or otherwise support the efforts of kratom industry advocates who are working hard to oppose criminalization of kratom sales and possession. Answer questions people ask about kratom on Facebook and Twitter. Link to good resources that explain kratom and its benefits. Be patient with ignorance, but firm against deceptive propaganda.

TWELVE: Spread the good news.While you must be cautious about revealing your kratom use, especially to co-workers, doctors, or family (which can be judgmental without information), there will probably be plenty of opportunities for you to testify confidently to the benefits of the Kratom Lifestyle.

When people are sincerely interested in kratom, be eager to help them. If someone complains about pain, or is sick of using benzos for depression, or expresses a wish to quit drinking alcohol – consider telling that person about the beneficial impact kratom has had on your life, how it has helped you physically and mentally.

By using these 12 tips for the Kratom Lifestyle, you should have a very successful time incorporating kratom into your regular routine.

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