Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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8 Times When Kratom Should NOT Be Used

Are there times when kratom should NOT be used?

Like any other substance, kratom has appropriate applications, but kratom also can be abused or misused.

What does it mean to abuse kratom? Treating it like a get high, recreational party drug. Escalating your dose amount or frequency (less is more when it comes to kratom). Taking heroin, alcohol, Xanax, meth, cocaine, etc. when using kratom.

What’s not so obvious are the ways one can misuse kratom, with no intention of gaining a chemical thrill. Certain situations are not opportune for using kratom. Be sensible, stay safe, use caution when taking any mind-altering or mood-boosting substances.

Times When Kratom Should NOT Be Used

ONE When you’re already high or drunk on other substances.

Why? Because that’s a dangerous, potentially deadly combination. Mixing kratom with liquor, hard street dope, designer drugs, or prescribed pain pills / sedatives / muscle relaxers can be fatal. It must be repeated: if you view kratom as just a fun drug, you’re going to be deeply disappointed and may endanger your life.

TWO When you’re sick.Let your body deal with the illness, without putting kratom into the internal scenario. If possible, take some time off from kratom, do a reset. When you’re not feeling healthy, you should often consider a water fast, let your stomach clear out debris and have a rest from always digesting food. The bitterness of kratom may trigger nauseau and vomiting when you’re under the weather with a cold or flu or worse.

THREE When you’re driving a car or operating dangerous machinery.

Kratom can make some people feel groggy, slightly dizzy, dreamy. Attention may become foggy. Other people may find their perception sharpened and their mind more alert, especially on white vein strains. So it’s somewhat unpredictable how each person may react to various types of kratom. In general, though, it’s best to avoid any activity that could be risky, complex, dangerous, or that requires focused concentration.

FOUR When you’re fasting or undergoing a special diet for medical reasons.

Kratom might interfere with the objective of your fasting or special diet. You may want to eliminate all unnecessary substances, supplements, and medicine when you’re body is experiencing the rigors of abstaining from solid foods or adjusting to the imposed discipline of new food choices.

FIVE When you’re having a mental health issue.

Kratom can have rather strange mood and mind effects on some people. It’s best not to have kratom in the mix of a psychotic scene or a nervous breakdown. Mental health issues occur in the smartest and nicest people, it’s no shame. But the fewer external substances you introduce into this situation, the better off you’ll be, especially if your doctor prescribes mental health medicines to you.

SIX When you’re just experimenting with drugs.

Kratom is not a designer drug or a recreational high. It’s a substance that has been used for various purposes by laborers in Southeast Asia. They consider it a supplement and chew on fresh leaves. These are not dope fiends. Kratom is a member of the coffee family and is not technically a narcotic or opioid, though it does bind with our body’s opioid receptors. Kratom offers no hedonistic thrill or psychedelic visions, so drug experimenters might as well just pass it by.

SEVEN When you’re pregnant. Probably.This is a controversial issue. Kratom certainly is safer than Big Pharma opioids and benzos. But pregnancy comes with special health and legal issues. If where you live, you can be charged with fetal drug crimes (using dope while pregnant, so the baby is addicted to it and craves it at birth), you might want to avoid using kratom, which might wrongly be classified as a narcotic and thus subject to the law. You don’t want your baby born with a strong compulsion for any supplemental substance or street drug. But how does a pregnant woman deal with pain and depression? Perhaps cannabis is a solution.

EIGHT When you’re having surgery. Probably.

Another issue that sparks debate. But kratom is not fully studied, so we cannot predict how it might interact with anesthesia and other drugs used during and after surgery.

On the other hand, kratom is probably okay when you visit the dentist. It is said to settle nerves, increase optimism, and dull pain. From anecdotal reports, kratom seems to not interfere with novacaine and gum numbing agents used in dentistry.

Use kratom wisely and it can be your solid friend, with reliable results and no escalation of dose amount or frequency.


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