Saturday, October 5, 2024

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How ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura) Can Be Treated in Ayurveda? – Dr. Vikram’s Blog

ITP stands for Immune thrombocytopenic purpura. It is a rare auto-immune disorder in which the immune system destroys the platelet cells of the body as a result decrease in the platelet cells leads to various symptoms in the body. Platelet cells play an important role in the body as they help stop bleeding and fight against various diseases or infections. They help in blood clotting as a result decrease in platelet level leads to internal bleeding, and bruising gums or more. Let’s have a look!

When there is a decrease in a platelet count it will lead to immune thrombocytopenic purpura. As a result, there is a decrease in the functioning of the immune system which decreases the quality of life. The symptoms are mild to severe depending upon the severity of the disease. Due to the destruction of platelet cells, there is an abnormality in blood clotting as a result there is more loss of blood from the body which hampers the functions of the body. Platelet plays an important role in the body as it helps in hemostasis, helps in clot retraction and formation, repair injured blood vessels, and improve the immunity of the body.
The autoimmune is the only cause of the disease. There are some risk factors which are responsible for the disease. The risk factors include-

H. Pylori infection
Hepatitis C
Other autoimmune disorders of the body

The ITP includes the following symptoms-

Bleeding from nose and gums
Bleeding in urine
Bleeding in stools
Internal bleeding
Heavy menstrual periods


Blood test – To check the platelet count
Bone marrow examination – To check the megakaryocytes
Platelet coombs test
Peripheral blood smear
Blood film
Indirect test


Intravenous Immune globulin

In Ayurveda, the ITP is correlated with the Raktapitta in च.चि.०४. It occurs due to an imbalance in the pitta dosha of the body. It occurs due to the intake of ushna, kshaara, amla, and lavan substances in excessive amounts. It affects the liver and spleen of the body and in later stages affects any organ of the body. On the basis of the direction of bleeding Raktapitta has three types Urdhwa, Adhoga, and Ubhaya marga. On the basis of dosha predominance, it has seven types Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Vata- Pittaja, Pitta-Kaphja, Kapha- Vataja, and Tridoshaja.
In च.चि.०४ Causes of ITP
The causes are described below-

Excessive intake of ushna, kshaara, amla, and lavan substances
Intake of corrosive food
Excessive walling
Excessive physical exercise
Excessive exposure to sun


Hoarseness of voice
A feeling of burning sensation
The smell of iron from the mouth
Projectile vomiting
Pain in body
Heaviness in head


Ghrit – Vatsaka ghrit, Vasa Ghrit, Palasha ghrit
Kshara – Palasha, Madhooka, Utpal naal
Churna – Khadiradi, Sringatakadi
Peya – Lostha, Priyangwadi
Formulations – Punarnava mandur, Amalaki churna, Giloy swaras, Kumar kalyan ras, Suvarna vasant malti ras

1. Herbs to Treat ITP

Giloy – It removes the toxins from the body and helps in rejuvenating the cells. It provides balance in dosha, dhatu, and malas. It helps to increase platelet levels in natural ways.
Pomegranate – It is rich in antioxidants that improve the blood flow in the body, prevent blood clots, and increase the platelet level in the body.
Ashwagandha – It increases the platelet level in the body by increasing the functioning of the immune system. It helps in increasing red and white blood cells with platelet cells in the body and inhibits immunosuppressive activity in the body.
Punarnava – It improves blood circulation, helps in the detoxification of the body, and increases the platelet level.
Brahmi – It increases the glutamate level in the brain and increases the platelet-activating factor synthesis.

2. Home Remedies to Treat ITP

Make the juice of papaya leaves – The papaya leaves contain bioactive compounds that help in the differentiation of megakaryocytes, increase the platelet level in the body, and reduce inflammation.
Giloy decoction with tulsi leaves – Giloy acts as an immunomodulator; it helps to improve the immune system and increase the platelet count.
Amla juice – Amla is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which helps in the production of platelets and white blood cells in the body.
Beetroot juice – It helps to increase the platelet level by preventing free radical damage to platelets.
Use chutney of green coriander and mint leaves – It improves the digestion process and helps to increase platelet levels in the body.

3. Diet to Treat ITP

Fruits – Consume apples, papayas, bananas, kiwi, and watermelon. Apple and bananas are rich in iron, and papaya contains folate and vitamin C, which help in the formation of red blood cells and platelets and strengthen the immune system.
Berries – Raspberries and blueberries are rich in antioxidants and rich in polyphenols that help to boost platelet count in the body.
Vegetables – Green leafy vegetables, spinach, broccoli, and bottled gourd. These vegetables are rich in vitamin K which helps in blood clotting and increases the formation of platelets.

4. Lifestyle to Treat ITP

Take a balanced rich diet
Regular exercise
Avoid white rice and white flour
Avoid processed food
Reduce the amount of white sugar or sweeteners
Avoid fried and packaged food
Avoid alcohol
Consume soaked almonds as they are rich in folate and vitamin B12 which naturally increase platelet count.

5. Yoga to increase ITP
Naukasana – also called the stress remover pose. It improves mental strength and immunity and help to increase the platelet count in the body.
Planet Ayurveda is GMP-certified. All products are made up of natural ingredients and safe for health. Products are free from any type of preservatives, chemicals, fillers, or yeast. All the herbs are described in the ancient Ayurveda texts and products are made under the guidance of M.D. Ayurveda experts. The formulations offered by Planet Ayurveda for immune thrombocytopenic purpura are-


ITP Level-1 (Basic Pack)

1. Plato Plan Syrup
It is made of a combination of various herbs such as Triticum aestivum (Wheatgrass), Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), Vitis vinifera (Draksha), Leptadenia reticulata (Jeevanti), and more many herbs. Giloy helps to increase the platelet level and improve immunity. Wheatgrass contains a high amount of chlorophyll which is similar to haemoglobin which helps boost the platelet level in the body. Jeevanti helps to increase the strength of the body to fight against various infections or diseases.
Dosage – 2 teaspoons twice daily.
2. Ashwagandha Capsules
The capsules are made up of standardised extraction of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha). The capsules are made up of natural herbs and have no side effects on the body. It helps to increase the production of red and white blood cells with platelets and helps to improve immune system functioning as it contains antioxidant properties and inhibits the immunosuppressive activity of the body. It improves the physical and mental stamina of the body and helps the bone marrow to produce healthy cells in the body and improve the functioning of the body.
Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily, with plain water, after a meal.
3. Punarnava Mandur
It is in the form of tablets made up of different herbs Piper chaba (Chavya), Embelia longa (Haridra), Embelia ribes (Vidanga), Punarnava Boerhaavia diffusa), Piper longum (Pippali), Shunti (Zingiber officinale), and many more herbs. Punarnava helps to increase white blood cells and plantlets which helps to reduce the stress level in the body. Amalaki is rich in vitamin C and antioxidant properties which help to increase the white blood cells and platelet levels in the body and strengthen the immune system of the body. Haritaki helps to increase the capacity of the body and increase the count of cells.
Dosage – 2 tablets twice a day.
4. Hemo Plan Syrup
It contains various herbs that help to increase platelet levels in the body such as Gorakhmundi (Sphaeranthus indicus), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Vitis vinifera (Draksha), and more herbs. All herbs are safe and described in ancient texts of Ayurveda. Ashwagandha helps to increase the production of red and white blood cells and platelets which improve the immune system functioning. It balances the pitta dosha of the body which is associated with ITP. Shatavari has cold potency which prevents internal bleeding.
Dosage – 2 teaspoons twice a day.
5. Suvarna Basant Malti Ras
It consists of Moti bhasma, Cinnabar (Purified hingul), Calcined pearl (Mukta bhasma), and various herbs. The herbs are free from adulterants, fillers, binders, chemicals, or preservatives and are made under the guidance of M.D. Ayurveda experts. Suvarna helps to increase the production of cells in the body and improve the functioning and quality of life.
Dosage – 1 tablet twice a day.

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As we studied in this article ITP is an autoimmune disorder that decreases the platelet count in the body and reduces the functioning of the body. In Ayurveda, it is correlated with the Raktapitta disorder. In Raktapitta, there is internal bleeding from the body which hampers the functioning of the body. With the help of Ayurveda, Raktapitta can be cured without any side effects on the body. Planet Ayurveda provides an herbal remedy to cure ITP, Plato Plan Syrup, Ashwagandha Capsules, Punarnava Mandur, Hemo Plan Syrup, And Suvarna Basant Malti Ras.

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