Saturday, October 5, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Fermented kratom is very popular. If you’ve been involved with kratom a while, you may have come across fermented kratom. Let’s take a brief look at how and why kratom is fermented.

Kratom is categorized according to vein color. So there is your red vein (said to be more relaxing), white kratom (said to be more energizing), and green kratom (somewhere in between red and white, often described as a cannabis type effect).

There are different opinions about these kratom vein colors. Some say the color indicates how high up the tree the kratom leaves are. Others say vein color depends on the maturity of plant – young plants have white vein, maturing plants are green vein, and older plants have red vein. Still others say it’s all the same kratom, but the vein colors occur due to drying and fermenting processes.

Kratom leaves are gathered from the kratom trees. The leaves are dried, generally in the sun or in dark rooms with powerful fans. UV sunlight rays are said by some to be responsible for vein color. Red vein means the kratom has absorbed more UV light, while green vein is less so, and white vein kratom has absorbed the least amount of UV rays, and generally none at all. This gives white vein kratom its pale coloration.

Vein color can also be influenced by growing conditions, soil chemistry, plant genetics, nutrient absorption, and other factors.

I guess you could say it depends upon the kratom farmer and processor, how they label their kratom products. Your vendor then trusts the bulk kratom sources (mostly from Indonesia and Malaysia), what they say about their kratom, and labels his packaged kratom products accordingly.

As a side note, inferior kratom products can be from kratom leaves gathered off the ground, instead of picked fresh. Dubious vendors may also add things like phenibut, sawdust, fentanyl, and other polluting ingredients. There may even be mold or heavy metal toxins in it.

This is why you should never buy kratom unless you know it’s been 3rd party tested by an independent lab. You can get very sick from bad kratom. Go with a reputable vendor with consistent quality.

But when it comes to fermentation, people say they prefer it because, for them anyway, fermented kratom seems more powerful, and in some cases, it even tastes less bitter. Fermenting may really boost the alkaloid content of kratom. Alkaloids are the chemicals that produce kratom’s effects in you.

Fermented kratom tends to be darker. That’s why some fermented kratom will be labeled with names like “chocolate”, “dark green”, “yellow”, “super-white”, and other terms implying something different from regular, non-fermented kratom.

Bentuangie is a jungle region where kratom is harvested. Often, this type of kratom is fermented. Chocolate Bentuangie is one of the most popular types of kratom, due to its high alkaloid content.

How is kratom fermented? One way is to take freshly picked kratom leaves, seal them in a container, generally a burlap bag, and let the fermentation process occur before drying it out completely and crushing it into powder.

Scientifically speaking, fermentation is metabolic adaptation, and is accomplished by oxidation of the plant’s leaves. Moisture accumulates in the leaves in the sealed container, which triggers the fermentation process. occur among the leaves and cause them to fermentation. Fermentation alters the chemical bonds in the constituents of kratom, thereby increasing the amount of bio-available alkaloids, in other words, kratom’s effects-producing content.

Kratom farmers must be very careful. If the kratom leaves are left in the fermentation containers too long, mold can grow. Typically, the fermentation process is allowed to occur for up to 72 hours. Good kratom plantation operations will also pateurize the kratom, which is applying heat to kill any mold microbes.

So fermented kratom is a sought-after specialty item. You owe it to yourself to try some from a reliable vendor. You may love the heightened effects and less bitter taste of fermented kratom. Start with Chocolate Bentuangie if you can find it.

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