Saturday, October 5, 2024

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8 Tips on Explaining Kratom in Online Forums

Here are some ideas about how to effectively advocate for kratom in online forums. These tips should also be applicable to most offline conversations, too.

If you’ve been using kratom (mitragyna speciosa) for a while, you may feel an urge to defend it, champion it, and educate others about it. But it’s so easy to get entangled with a troll, or to say something the wrong way, or to alienate people with your enthusiasm. So, what’s the best way to engage in online kratom activism?

We won’t be able to cover this expansive topic completely, but these points may help you avoid a lot of trouble, while clearly explaining kratom. You may have different strategies, but you’re sure to learn a little here.

ONE Self Restraint

It’s easy to go overboard when you’re excited about something. And, especially if you’re rather new to kratom, you may be quickly offended and annoyed by the ignorant things that are said about kratom.

Let’s take the high road. Calm down. Practice your pro-kratom statements with a sympathetic friend. Find out if your sentences sound over-bearing, arrogant, know-it-all, or even bullying. Take your friend’s reactions seriously, without any emotion. Be scientific about it.

Slow down. Take some deep breaths. Then think of the softest, most courteous, but firm way to express your opinions about kratom. “May I gently suggest that you…” is a nice way to begin a statement. You show that you intend to correct someone, but not ridicule them or act like you’re so much more intelligent.

TWO Avoid Trolls

You probably can tell when someone is sincerely trying to explore an issue vs. someone who just delights in stirring up trouble. Internet trolls love to jump into forums and drive everyone crazy with anger and frustration.

Whenever you see words like “you idiots”, “you’re all brainwashed”, “you drug fiends”, and similar, it’s just a troll. Trolls deserve no attention, no information, and no education. They want to upset you and wreck the intelligent discussions that serious individuals are having.Don’t say a single thing to them. Move on to a sincere person who you can tell is hungry for insights into kratom. Spend your valuable time with a person like that. You’ll be less stressed out and you may prove to be a great benefactor to seekers of facts.

THREE Serving, NOT Dose

Never use the words “dose”, “dosage”, “drug”, “euphoria”, “get high”, “score some”, or other commonly used terminology that is associated with street dope. Using drug slang will cause people to think that kratom, a member of the coffee family, is a designer drug or some chemical thrill made in a laboratory. But kratom is a natural plant that grows wild and on plantations in Southeast Asia.

Instead try to always say “serving”, “serving size”, “serving frequency”, “dietary supplement”, “get good effects”, “feel better”, and other non-druggy phrases. By saying “my regular 8 gram serving of this dietary supplement”, you’ll be training people in a better understanding of what kratom is and what it does.

This may seem a small matter, but the language we use really does have a big impact on people’s perceptions.

FOUR Link to reputable sources.

Rather than making a lot of assertions, with no reference to outside experts, try to find webpages with good information or news. Put something like “You can read more kratom’s health benefits [or whatever the issue is] here”, followed by link to the report or story.

Anybody can make wildly fake or totally true statements, without much impact, when no links to corroborating information are provided. Of course, if you link to a Fox News report, some will say your source is too right wing radical. Or if you link to a Huffington Post article, some will say it’s too left wing to be credible.So judge your audience and select the reports or studies that are neutral politically, or at least not considered partisan to an extreme. University studies are generally a safe bet.

FIVE Recognize Bullheadedness

Someone might not be a troll, as they aren’t malicious or trying to start World War 3 – but they may be very stubborn and may also not be open minded at all.A dead giveaway is when different people keep telling that person something, and he just seems to not pay attention, keeps repeating his opinion, or relentlessly attacks opinions that differ from his. Even though his true intention is not to be a sadistic troublemaker, he inadvertently acts rather similar to a troll.It’s like there’s some kind of mental block in their head. They are blind to truth. They literally cannot see it, even when it’s presented in a gentle, compassionate manner and sweet tone of voice. It’s like arguing with someone who speaks a different language. Don’t waste your time with them. Spend time education those who are more receptive and less quarrelsome.

SIX Don’t Argue

State facts, be nice, provide links, but never debate in a hot-tempered or endless argument. No matter what you say, certain types of people love to argue – and feel they MUST “win” every argument, so they can feel smarter or superior to others.Make a few statements, reply to a few questions, clarify your remarks, but put an end to it early. Otherwise, some quarrelsome folks will drag you into a rabbit hole of perpetual wrangling, a quicksand of never ending discussions that end up nowhere.

SEVEN Be Polite

It’s not always easy to be courteous and cordial when discussing topics that mean a lot to you. We are so quickly triggered by insults, incredibly stupid comments, and hurtful personal attacks.

So let’s be cool, calm, and collected. Admit it when a point takes you by surprise, some angle you had not considered before. Be gracious about how you’re not omniscient (all-knowing). If you can’t come up with a good answer, say so. “I have not considered that aspect before. I’ll do some research and get back to you. Thanks for the civil conversation!”Compliment your debate opponent. “You have certainly spent a great deal of time studying kratom and it’s effects. I appreciate that. But have you looked at…” is a nice way to proceed.

EIGHT Bullet Points

Here are some succinct remarks you can use to summarize: Kratom is a member of the coffee family, it’s not like any opioids or benzos, it’s safer and more effective than most Big Pharma medicines, there are no horrible withdrawal symptoms, servings do not tend to keep increasing, and it’s not addictive in the way that rehabs define addictive substances.


It’s hoped that these 8 tips will enable you to be more successful in addressing concerns and answering questions about kratom. Every time you defend kratom, you may be helping someone who has been miserable in their suffering for many years.

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