Sunday, October 6, 2024

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Many kratom customers have pets that suffer, and they wonder if kratom can help non-human animals. We must be very careful here. Veterinarians have recommended giving small amounts of kratom to dogs, but there are no reports of kratom being tested on cats at this time.

Since kratom is still a vast unknown, and sufficient testing has not yet be achieved in labs or in the field, and there are many questionable areas of kratom usage into which we must proceed with caution.

If your dog is suffering from certain conditions that you’ve heard might in some cases be alleviated by kratom or that yourself take kratom for, you, of course, compassionately wonder if kratom could also benefit your dog. Please do not take matters into your own hands. You could accidentally poison and kill your beloved pet.

Keep reminding yourself: kratom is mostly a mystery. It’s not a substance that big corporations have spent many millions of dollars in researching and testing. It’s not a familiar item for most mainstream medical professionals, who are only recently receptive to the natural benefits of such things as cannabis and magic mushrooms.

There are no thick volumes of case studies on kratom. There are no stacks of peer-reviewed papers on kratom that the scientific community has vetted and approved.

We have only customer anecdotal reports and limited lab studies to go by in assessing kratom for use by humans or other mammals. We hate to know our beloved pet is suffering or in pain, such knowledge is difficult to bear. We naturally seek to learn as much as we can about what’s going on. Are there natural remedies that can safely be tried in tiny doses? How will we know if the animal is actually receiving benefit from the kratom?

Kratom has not yet been approved by the FDA for human or animal consumption, so no medical claims or health benefit promises can be made. Reputable vendors will be honest about this, and merely describe what customers have testified regarding kratom, but will not state that kratom is guaranteed to solve any particular problem for all users.

You may have heard that kratom can be beneficial for dogs with the medical condition your dog currently has. You may have been using kratom yourself for a number of years now, and feel like you’re aware of how it works on your own body. You rightfully suspect that kratom might be okay to give to your dog, but slow down a moment. Let’s be methodical about this.

Nothing could be worse for a pet owner than to think their rash decision resulted in the death of their animal friend and family member. Find a good, enlightened veterinarian for your dog, one who is open to natural treatments and herbal substances. You want a vet who is sympathetic to your interests in herbal products and who is somewhat educated in the field of traditional, time-tested, natural solutions. Otherwise, you’ll be clashing and not getting the best for your pet.

Let your veternarian know you think kratom might be helpful to your dog, that it’s worth a try at least. If your current animal doctor doesn’t approve of kratom, or calls it a dangerous opioid that shouldn’t be legal, you need to find a better doctor for your dog. Such a close-minded, unscientific attitude will not be conducive to the well being of your animal companion.Only a veterinarian should administer kratom to a dog, because if you give your dog too much, it could have seizures and die. Plus, if your dog is taking other medicines or is undergoing any medical treatments, kratom might possibly interfere with these. Your animal doctor will know how best to take care of your dog and whether kratom makes sense for it.

Then there is the issue of your dog developing a tolerance to a specific alkaloid profile, or responding poorly to a particular strain of kratom. Addiction and withdrawal symptoms are best observed by a medical professional. Hopefully, if your dog is prescribed kratom by the vet, your pet will not become negatively affected by prolonged usage or too strong of doses.

Don’t mess around with this on your own, no matter how deeply you’ve researched the topic of giving kratom to dogs. There simply is not enough research thus far on the many aspects of kratom that remain unknown to scientists. So, since a proper respect is due kratom, and bad results could occur, you really do need a medical professional to be involved when thinking about trying kratom on your dog.

Kratom is natural, yes. It’s far safer and more effective than Big Pharma opioids, correct. It’s a member of the coffee family botanically, for sure. Severe toxicity even at higher doses seems rare, of course. On it’s own, kratom appears to be a rather benign, non-dangerous, non-lethal substance. But all this doesn’t mean we can rush hastily into administering kratom to any individual, human or non-human, that we think needs it or could benefit from it.

We must be willing to let medical professionals supervise giving kratom to our dogs, if they agree that kratom in small doses could prove to be a good solution. As more knowledge is accumulated, and kratom becomes less murky to our understanding, we will be able to have more confidence and safety in its usage applications.

As the years go by, and more scientific data is collected, we’ll have a better understanding of kratom. We may be able to relax and not be afraid of administering certain small amounts of kratom to our dogs, based on their age and weight most likely.

Until then, however, a reputable kratom vendor will not list a variety of ailments or medical conditions, along with specific kratom products that are claimed to alleviate these conditions. The science is just not there yet.So let your veterinarian handle administering kratom to your dog, if he thinks it might be safe and beneficial to do so. With proper medical professionals in charge, kratom could be a truly wonderful thing that makes your dog’s life more enjoyable.

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