Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Backyard Patch Herbal Blog: Fennel and Rosemary Tea

This is a curative blend that should be taken in moderation and avoided if you are pregnant or nursing and if you are prone to epileptic seizures.Fennel and Rosemary Tea1 ½ cups water½ tsp fennel seed, crushed1 teaspoon dried rosemary leaves

Boil water add fennel seed and simmer for 10 min.  Pour fennel water over the rosemary leaves
and step 5 minutes strain and sweeten with honey.  Sip slowly while warm.Have a cup of this tea a day for a week after your main
meal, then give it a 7 day rest before taking it again.  You don’t want to overdo it with these herbs.Rosemary is rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and
sodium. The scent of rosemary is said to improve memory and drinking it can assist
with digestion as well as thin blood and control blood pressure levels. Fennel
is a source of malic acid which improves digestive function and potassium which
helps it lower blood pressure. It also has a calming action which alleviates
stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality. And finally both herbs can help
with cold symptoms, sore throat and headaches.

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