Sunday, October 6, 2024

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Can Kratom Help Alcoholics Quit Drinking Liquor?

Kratom may be a mighty blessing for you if you want to stop abusing alcohol. Here’s why….

First of all, kratom is NOT a cure or remedy for anything. Not for Covid-19, or schizophrenia, or diabetes, or alcoholism. Those who falsely promote kratom as some kind of miracle cure are making claims that cannot be supported by current research. So don’t listen to the quacks and snake oil salesmen.

But kratom has been a huge benefit to those who suffer from a wide variety of problems. While we can’t say it’s going to make all your problems magically vanish, we can tell you what customers have reported. And these anecdotes are truly wonderful to read about.

Alcoholics tend to drink too much liquor, beer, or wine for specific reasons. There is a goal in mind.

Their underlying issues are manifold, depending upon the person. Abusing alcohol is often done in order to overcome inferiority complexes. Or an individual thinks alcohol makes him more comical, less inhibited, and more likeable to others.

They may think, at first that alcohol is a fantastic way to become more popular. Or they think a shot of whisky will steel their nerves and enable them to do something in a more intense manner, without fear or pain. And for a short while, it works. They seem to be using alcohol in a responsible, once in a while type fashion. But frequently, that’s not where it ends.

Fitting in with peers who pressure you to “have fun” and “party with us” can be difficult to resist.

“Come on, dude, have another beer!” your friends say to you.

But what they use for celebrating or partying can end up being deadly if you go overboard. It’s so easy to go along with the flow of the group, smoking cigarettes, having one more beer, turning the rock music up louder, laughing, dancing around, muching on salty snacks, and feeling like you’re all “just having a good time.”

There are people who can use alcohol in a mature and reasonable manner. But some of us have what is called “an addictive personality”. We are prone to go hog wild with whatever recreational substance we prefer or can gain access to. “Everything in excess” is how one person put it. Drinking like a fish, guzzling too much, too fast, and too often can end up ruining our lives.

When you sober up, you may decide pretty soon that you need another drink. Then that turns into two more drinks. And the next thing you know, you’re wasted and can’t function. Or you get violent and do things you deeply regret. Or you get sloppy and make a fool out of yourself. Or you jump in your car and crash into someone else’s vehicle, causing lots of damage and even loss of life.

We tend to say and do many things that seemed okay when we were intoxicated by booze, but in the harsh light of the morning after, it doesn’t seem so great. But even though we may feel ashamed, we feel like we just can’t stop. We feel so guilty and stupid, so we open another bottle of wine or grab one more beer, and we fall right back into the situation we wanted to avoid.

People abuse alcohol as a solution for insomnia. Or to enjoy a football game on TV, along with some chips, dip, and hot wings. Or to overcome feelings of depression, worry, and anxiety. Whatever may be the original intent, it might eventually become a slavery to liquor that you no longer have any control over. Your job has been lost, your home life is a wreck, and your life seems hopeless.

Alcohol withdrawal can be really tough to handle. It’s just the wrong substance to rely on for a solution to emotional problems. You’re likely to make matters much worse.

Instead of using alcohol to provide relief of various issues, many folks have turned to kratom as a far safer, and more effective, way to achieve what they want.

Kratom can provide relief of pain, anxiety, and depression for some people, according to customer reports. It can also make them more sociable, enjoying the company of friends and family more, but without all the negative baggage that comes with drinking too much alcohol.

The very reasons a person may abuse alcohol are reasons to wisely and carefully use kratom. In other words, you can use kratom in moderation to achieve what you were trying, but failing, to accomplish with alcohol.

Do NOT treat kratom the way you treated alcohol. If you take too much kratom, or take it too often, it will backfire on you. The lowest possible dosage amount and frequency are what works best with kratom.

Even Keith Richards, lead guitar player with the Rolling Stones, has said in his autobiography, that he realized that with hard drugs and alcohol, more is NOT better. He said that with cocaine, for example, you reach a point where doing a little more will not get you higher, but will just be a futile effort.


His bandmate Ronnie Wood got sober in 2010 after decades of substance abuse, and now says Richards is “more mellow” for being sober.

“The Keith that we used to know and love had this cutoff point where if he had one more, he’d go over the top and he’d be nasty,” said Woods. “The cutoff point became shorter and shorter, you know, and he realized that.”


Keith Richards was quoted in BBC News on this topic.


“I was very meticulous about how much I took. I’d never put more in to get a little higher.

“It’s the greed involved that never really affected me. People think once they’ve got this high, if they take some more they’re going to get a little higher. There’s no such thing. Especially with cocaine.

“Maybe that’s a measure of control and maybe I’m rare in that respect. When I was taking dope, I was fully convinced that my body is my temple.”

The latter statement is one that few people would readily associate with Keith Richards, but then biographers of the the guitarist have always noted his tendency to shield his true inner self from public gaze by playing up to his outrageous image.


This “more is NOT better” principle applies to kratom.

It’s well known that small doses have an energizing effect, while large doses tend to be sedating. And doses that are excessively huge have a diminishing returns aspect that makes it a really bad policy. Besides, if you get your body used to larger doses of kratom, you’ll develop a tolerance pretty quickly, where you no longer get much of an impact from the substance.

Kratom is not going to be a good substitute for liquor if you’re seeking a get high, recreational, party drug.

Read more about why kratom is unsuited for recreational drugging purposes here:

Why Kratom is NOT a Recreational Get High Party Drug

If you try using kratom to resolve your issues, be sure to NOT announce this fact to your AA group, or doctor, employer, or even your close friends.

Your Alcoholics Anonymous group will wrongly accuse you of “still using” and “not being completely sober”, because they don’t understand kratom. Your doctor will probably not approve of you taking anything that was not prescribed for you. Your employer may think you’re some kind of “dope fiend”. Your friends and family may have a lot of misinformation about kratom and may persecute for taking it.

So you’re probably going to be better off if you keep your kratom use a private thing. You won’t really accomplish anything good by declaring to everybody what you are doing. The FDA is so prejudiced against natural substances, due to Big Pharma’s bias against these things.

Find out how to deal with misguided animosity here:

How To Handle Hostility Toward Your Kratom Use

Discover how to begin your kratom adventure here:

Kratom: How to Get Started

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