Thursday, July 4, 2024

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Crossword Puzzle ANSWERS for Nov/Dec 2023 Essential Herbal

… And Why It Appears That Those Two Sisters at The Essential Herbal Have Lost Their Bloomin’ Minds!What a week…You can skip the yada yada yada and find the answer sheet at the bottom of the post.Last week was one of the wackiest weeks I’ve had for a very long time.  It started with me heading up the turnpike to do a little incense class for A
Way of Life Herbal Course at The Rosemary House. It was the last day of the 10 month course, and the day all the students bring dishes made from wild and foraged plant foods to share. Here is the post (with recipes) from last year when we participated as students: was really looking forward to that, but instead, my nearly new (less than 5000 miles) little car decided to drop the transmission on the PA Turnpike.  I have never had any similar experience, so called my sister who was equally dumbfounded, but she did manage to suggest that I look up what to do on my phone before setting out in her car to rescue me.  Lo and behold, on the PA Turnpike, you dial *11 and get an operator 24/7 who will send a tow-truck and a safety vehicle (that parks behind the tow truck with flashing lights to warn drivers away.)  Other turnpikes are different.  Looking up Ohio TP, it appears that you’re on your own. I later found out that KIA (my car) also has roadside assistance, which would have been free.  We made it in time to squeeze in the class, but missed the feast.Although this is under warranty and I expect reimbursement for any out of pocket expenses, my usual MO is to immediately get my mind on other things, so I sent out a Just the Essentials newsletter with a special on incenses.  I also set up a category filled with calming and anti-anxiety items where a % of sales go to Int’l Rescue Committee, since everyone wants to help or do something.BUT THEN, on Tuesday our friends at Mountain Rose Herbs sent outa  newsletter that included a remedy from my latest – The Big Book of Herbal Medicine – with a link to TEH website. I don’t keep a lot of books in stock because usually people check them out on my site and then go to the giant bookseller.  Sooooo… I wound up placing 2 orders with Simon & Schuster last week, for the same book.  I hope you’re smiling here, because at this point, the week was taking on hilarious tones.And then we finally finished up the magazine.  Except a bunch of little mistakes didn’t get fixed, and for the first time in 22 years, we revised it and sent it out the next day.  And guess what – we STILL forgot the answer key to the crossword puzzle.  In the meantime, we did all the things we normally do during a week.  Made a soap delivery and shipped some soap orders out.  We had our young apprentice for an afternoon, and that included a visit to the local diner for pie.  We had an appointment or two, and we even did household chores.  IT WAS A BLAST! So there ya have it!  And here are the answers to the crossword.

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