Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Flower Essences — Herbal Wisdom Institute

My favorite reference for flower essences is Lila Devi’s book, The Essential Flower Essence Handbook. Apple flower essence is said to provide, “mental clarity; healthy, magnetic attitudes; an abundance of psychologically nourishing thoughts; hope; motivation to take better care of oneself; a positive outlook.”Pear flower essence is for “Peace of mind; returns a sense of rhythm and proportion; for being fully in the present moment; ability to handle crisis; for stability during major changes.” These two really called to me this morning and upon reading a bit about them, there’s no question as to why with what we are experiencing at this time world wide. So, let’s get to it!You will need: 4 ounce mason jar or small glass bowl 1 ounce glass dropper bottles4 ounce amber bottle to store your essenceCheese cloth, coffee filter or cotton muslin for straining 2 ounces distilled water 2 ounces brandy Flowers from edible plant sources of your choice. When it comes to energetic plant medicine it is best to sit with the plant or tree of your choosing and see if it has anything it would like you to learn from it. Take your time with this. After two years I am finally making a flower essence from my pear and apple trees and other times I am making an essence after 20 minutes. Talk to your plant, get to know your plant, this might seem a little strange at first but you will very quickly develop a “relationship” with your plants and trees. There is much to learn when we quiet our thoughts. Fill your mason jar half way with distilled water. I choose to use a mason jar with a lid because it’s simple if I’m going to go out on a hike or a bike ride. I can take it in my car with me, close it, get it home without the risk of spilling my flower essence. If you’re making a flower essence with one of your many flowers you grow at home you can use whichever glass dish you would like to use. Tell your intention to your plant and add a few flowers to your water. At this time it is good to sit with your plant and think about your intentions and hopes. Or simply be still for a little while.I allow my flowers to sit in the water for several hours. Sitting with your plant is a great way to start a hike or bike ride if you’re out and about or a nice time to work in the yard and garden if you’re home. After your activity you can return to your plant and remove the flowers from your water. I use a small twig to remove my flowers and return them to the earth leaving them with the plant. Strain your essence water through cheesecloth, a coffee filter, or cotton muslin to remove any particles in the water. Add 2 ounces of brandy to your 2 ounces of essence water at your earliest convenience so you have equal parts of brandy and water. Your main flower essence batch or mother essence as you will hear it called is done. Pour into a 4 ounce amber bottle and label mother essence with flower name for storage. 

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