Saturday, July 6, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Holy Plants Offers Stress, Digestion, Inflammation Relief

Holy Basil

Similar to basil but a bit different taste, not sweet, more of a peppery or clove-like flavor.  It originated in Southeast Asia, specifically India.

Holy Basil had different herbal remedies of its own. Holy Basil helps with fevers, bronchitis, raspatory congestion, asthma, and lung disorders. Simply breathing disorders, lung ailments. 

It can also promote
cardiovascular health relieves stress, acts as a mouth freshener, inhibits the
growth of oral cancer fights against bad breath, and destroys dental cavities,
plaque, and tartar.

This basil can help with digestion, specifically stomach ulcers, nausea. Studies show Holy Basil helps with insomnia, stress, sexual issues, forgetfulness, enhanced metabolism.

It contains Vitamins A, C, Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Chlorophyll.

This is known by the Hinds for Stress, it is planted around the shrines. This called Holy Basil. There are chemicals in Holy Basil that help reduces pain, and swelling (inflammation). It is suggested in can also help lower blood sugar.

Growing Holy Basil
It is grown as an annual, about 12 inches tall, zones 10a and 11. Best in full sunlight. Growing indoors requires 6 to 8 hours of daylight

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