Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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July August 2023 Essential Herbal Magazine

 Hot fun in the summertime!This issue is full of sunshine from cover to cover.  As all herbies (at least in the northern hemisphere) know, this is our time!  No matter if we’re out in the boonies or in the heart of the big city, summer is when we are outside.  We dine al fresco, visit bodies of water, enjoy friends, or watch the fireflies.  It’s a magical time during which we grow things, make lots of memories, and work our bodies. Here’s the Cover and Table of Contents for the current issue:

CoverThis artwork is so full of life and joy that it makes us happy just to look at it!  Deb Sturdevant is the artist.  Field Notes, Tina SamsSometimes it takes a moment of introspection to recognize contentment.

Agrimony Monograph, April CoburnHave you met this wondrous plant?  You’ll
want to!

Midsummer, Jackie Johnson NDLooking for ways to celebrate Midsummer? 
There are lots of traditions.

Sweet Thymes are Mint to Be, Alicia AllenAlicia does not disappoint, with lots of delicious recipes to use some of those

Remembering Our Wild Self (Book Excerpt), Jen FreyWe got a second thought provoking excerpt because there’s so much good stuff in
the book we needed two!

Summer in the Garden, Kathy MusserEver the organized planner, Kathy had already sent this article months
ahead.  We’re not ready to let her go
just yet.

Low Tide Soap, Marci TsohonisMarci’s recollection of low tide on the Oregon coast is one of mists and magic,
starfish and seaweeds.  And so this soap
is full of magic too.

5 Natural Recipes for When You’ve Had Too Much Sun, Heidi
ShaylaIt can be tough to keep our skin from sun damage, but Heidi shares some great

Flower Crowns, Jen Sutherland ClineWho among us does not deserve a crown from time to time?  Summer is just the perfect time to indulge.

Are You the Kind of Herbie that Herb Vendors Love?  Tina SamsHave you ever said, “My kid did that in elementary school” while a vendor
smiles blandly with the thousand mile stare? 
Maybe you can pick up some tips in this article I gathered from various

Anti-Inflammatory Herbs, Marcy Lautanen RaleighGrow and blend some herbs that will help control or diminish inflammation.

Meet Our ContributorsWho’s work is on these pages?

For the Next IssueJust in case you’d like to share something from your herbal experiences!  If you’re not sure you’re ready drop us a line and we’ll walk you through it.  This magazine is for all herbies.SUBSCRIBE Today!Or just get THIS ISSUE   HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

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