Saturday, July 6, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Kick the Flu with Boneset


To early herb doctors, this indicated the plant would be useful in setting bones, so its leaves were wrapped with bandages around splints. 

The dried leaves have also been used to make a tonic, boneset tea, thought effective in treating colds, coughs, and constipation.

It is a ubiquitous plant found growing in swamps, marshes, and shores from Canada to Florida and west to Texas and Nebraska. The plant easily is recognized by its long, tapering leaves

Boneset is a plant. People use dried leaves and flowers to make medicine.  Used to reduce fever, increase urine output, cause vomiting, and treat constipation.Boneset is also used to treat influenza, swine flu, acute bronchitis, nasal inflammation, joint pain (rheumatism), fluid retention, dengue fever, and pneumonia; as a stimulant; and to cause sweating.

It treats a wide array of conditions. These include the flu,
colds, fevers, migraines, rheumatism, dengue, malaria, and typhoid fever. It
can also increase the body’s resistance to infections. Boneset is also used as
a laxative and can help soothe other digestive problems.

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