Saturday, June 29, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Mid February "Just the Essentials"

We’re going to address ways to be more comfortable in this “backside”
of winter. We’ll soothe our skin, our nerves, and our immune systems as
the days grow longer in the Northern Hemisphere, or shorter in the
Southern. In my part of the country, we are finally getting a little
sun, and my mood was in need!!!For a quick blend, try equal parts (1 T) rose, lavender, and
elderflowers. To those, add 1/4 cup oatmeal and 1 T powdered milk.
Steep in a muslin bag in a pitcher of very hot water, and then add the
contents of the pitcher to the bath. OatsLatin name: Avena sativaCommon Name(s): Wild Oats, Common Oats, Milky Oats, Oatstraw Parts used: Aerial partsMedicinal Uses: Oats are wonderful and skin-soothing whenused in bathwater. When the whole plant is harvested and dried while green, including the seeds, it is called oatstraw. Oats
are  a rejuvenating and restorative mineral tonic. They are grounding,
helping fortify people during grief, and promoting  emotional
well-being. Oatmeal is the ripe seed. It provides nourishment to the
body and the skin while supporting the nervous system.GingerLatin name: Zingiber officinaleParts used: root, with root and leaves used for essential oil(s)Ginger’s
best known use is on various forms of nausea, including sea sickness,
chemotherapy-related nausea, nausea after surgery, and morning
sickness.  It stimulates digestion, and has been foundto cause the
stomach to empty faster, and move food through the system more rapidly,
while soothing and relaxing the entire digestive system.  Ginger heats
up and improves the metabolism.It may help with menstrual pain,
migraine headaches, and improve gum health.  Regular use of ginger may
help relieve pain and swelling of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
andmuscular pains.  If you’re daydreaming about the coming spring, there’s no better “dream book” than Through the Seasons. It
contains 5 full years of the magazine, put into chapters and
indexed. Literally 100’s of ideas, recipes, remedies, and crafts to keep
you engaged with herbs year round. We’ve permanently lowered the price
to $30 for print, or $20 for pdf!  View IndexView here:   That’s it for now.  Sign up to get our free “Just the Essentials” newsletter on our website (  You might also want to subscribe to our magazine – The Essential Herbal – while you’re there. 

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