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PETITGRAIN EO & HYDROSOL – Aromatherapy Blog

Petitgrain Combava, Petitgrain sur Fleur, Petitgrain Bitter and leaves. Leaves courtesy of April Leona Lancaster from California-grown citrus.

Petitgrain — Petitgrain EO is an Essential  Oil and not a species; leaves and twigs from any citrus when distilled are called Petitgrain (small fruit) and depending on terroir the scent is different. Includes formulas and recipes.


PETITGRAIN EO —  COMMON NAME/LATIN BINOMIAL ~ Petitgrain is the name of an essential oil and
is not a plant species, it is the results of distilling the leaves and twigs of
citrus and can be made from any citrus. It is particularly Petitgrain Bigarade
from Citrus x aurantium, that is, the leaves and twigs of the bitter
Orange. Normally, it is from Citrus x aurantium (L.) but you can also
have Lemon Petitgrain, Combava petitgrain, Orange Petitgrain, Mandarin
Petitgrain or any kind of petitgrain.

            Family: Rutaceae (the Rutaceae are a family, commonly known as the rue or citrus
family, of flowering plants, usually placed in the order Sapindales. Species of
the family generally have flowers that divide into four or five parts, usually
with strong scents. They range in form and size from herbs to shrubs and large

EO — Other Common Name/Naming Information ~
Originally, Petitgrain which means “small fruit” was distilled from the
immature and small round green fruits of the bitter Orange and the leaves. Originally
only that which was distilled in France from the true bitter Orange could be
called Petitgrain but eventually when Paraguay began to produce up to 70% of
the world’s supply, any citrus leaf and twig could be called petitgrain. Of
course, if you distill the fruits then there will be no mature fruit to eat or
preserve.  So eventually, the distillation was limited to the leaves and
small branchlets, but the oil is still called Petitgrain.            Blossoms of the true bitter
(sour) orange tree, Citrus x aurantium Linnaeus, subsp. amara L., on
being distilled yield Neroli bigarade oil. If, on the other hand, the leaves
and petioles (leaf stalk) are distilled, oil and hydrosol of Petitgrain
bigarade is obtained and if you cold-press the rind then it is called Bitter
Orange oil.

EO and hydrosol is thus produced from the Bitter Orange tree after the harvest
of the flowers (for Neroli); leaves and stalks are freshly picked from July to October
and freshly and immediately distilled for the best product. It should be
emphasized that American producers wishing to produce Petitgrain oil and
hydrosol be very careful as to the citrus variety they use, time of harvesting
and the type of distillation.

in tropical and subtropical areas, including various southern areas in the
southern USA. They are found in sunny, warm areas throughout the world. 
The tree is a small evergreen tree, somewhat cold-hardy and tolerant of
drought, but if it is Mandarin Petitgrain, then know that the fruit itself is
very delicate and sensitive to the cold.  Citrus blooms in winter months
and produces small green fruits in spring while fruits ripen in fall. It grows in
soil with  a pH of 6 to 8.  They do
not, however, grow well in soils with high salt content. Leaves are harvested
late June to October for distillation.

Petitgrain is produced by steam distilling the leaves and small branches of
certain citrus trees after the fruit is harvested.  The most important of
the Petitgrain oils comes from the Bitter Orange tree. Paraguay is a big
producer of Petitgrain from citrus trees gone wild since 1877.  Higher
quality Petitgrain comes from France and Italy, sometimes Egypt and Morocco.            True Petitgrain EO and
hydrosol should originate exclusively from the true bitter Orange tree. These
distillations show that the oil will have a relatively high laevorotation and
the presence of leaves from sweet Orange trees will result in oils of lower
laevorotation, or even dextrorotation. (See Orange blog post at

            The Petitgrain is distilled from the
leaves and twiglets when the fruit is pea-sized.

The quality of
Petitgrain depends on various factors:1. The leaf material should originate exclusively from the bitter or sour
Orange tree.2. The leaf material should not contain any wooden branches, nor any small
unripe fruit (despite the name and although it was the original Petitgrain).3. The leaf material should be distilled rapidly and with direct steam
that is generated in a separate boiler. The leaves must not be
immersed in water, as this will cause hydrolysis of the linalyl acetate which
is the most important constituent. Properly distilled the oil and hydrosol will
have a high ester content.4. The plants of Southern France bloom in May and June and these flowers used
for Neroli production. While the leaves and petioles for Petitgrain are
harvested from the pruning after the Neroli harvest which is from late June to

~ are 0.25-0.5%. 

PETITGRAIN COUNTRIES OF ORIGINS ~: Oil of Petitgrain was originally distilled in Paraguay and is now also distilled in Egypt, France, Italy, Morocco, USA.  However, in Paraguay the plant that is distilled is a hybrid of the sweet and the bitter Orange that has gone wild and thus the oil and hydrosol is considered to be of lower quality.  Main producing areas are the Mediterranean countries of Italy, Corsica, Sicily, etc. and California, Florida and South America, each of these countries produce citrus oils that are organoleptically identifiable.

Gathering Leaves

Gathering Bitter Orange leaves in 1919. Pictures from 1919 Scientific American
of the Gathering of the leaves of the
bitter-orange. For Petitgrain Scent


 ENDANGERED OR NOT ~ Not Currently

• ∞


Petitgrain Oils – Oils courtesy of Alpha Research and Eden Botanicals

Petitgrain oils. See the different colors of the oil that are available.

ODOR DESCRIPTION/ AROMA ASSESSMENT ~ Petitgrain has a strong, bitter-sweet, floral
and somewhat woody odor, sometimes vegetative (not-pleasant), dry and a bit
leathery. The woody smell is from the sesquiterpene alcohol, spathulenol. 
Aldehydes contribute to the odorous principle, even though they are in small
amounts.  Another important constituent is the pyrazines with their
Galbanum-like green notes. It is important to mention that the trace components
in Petitgrain leads to a good scent and especially in perfumery where they are
important or when

scent needs to be reconstituted. Petitgrain bigarade is used in perfumes for
its refreshing, sweet-floral notes and often as a substitute for Neroli.

to Smell and Detect Odor: Limbic
system is the seat of memory and learning.
Smell from left nostril and then to right nostril. The right nostril
(right brain-creative) is important in detecting and evaluating the intensity
of odor, and this hints at a broad olfactory asymmetry and the left
nostril (left brain or logical) is for smelling location or place.

Smell and 2nd Smell: “Lurking
in the olfactory epithelium, among the mucus-exuding cells, are cells that are
part of the system that innervates the face (trigeminal nerve).  It is
suspected that pungent and putrid molecules penetrate them, interact with their
proteins, and stimulate them to fire.  Thus, there are two types of
olfaction: first smell, the ordinary type for specific odors, and
second smell for nonspecific pungency and putridity.”

is also left brain and right brain smell-ability. Left brain
smells location (maybe via logical use of EMG waves) while right brain smells
intensity. The closer you get – the more intense the odor.

Rising Up

[see the Circular
Vocabulary of Odor© at the end for an analyses of Petitgrain sampled]

yield is made up of linalyl acetate and linaloöl in a proportion of 2:1.  The woody smell is from the sesquiterpene
alcohol, spathulenol.  Aldehydes
contribute to the odorous principle, even though they are in small
amounts.  Another important constituent
is the pyrazines with their Galbanum-like green notes. It is important to
mention that the trace components in Petitgrain leads to a good scent and
especially in perfumery where they are important. The best Petitgrain is
distilled from Bitter Orange leaves with noted laevorotation of the molecule,
that lovely sour smell that is so fragrant, and not from sweet Oranges where
the oil will have a dextro- (sweet) rotation and thus a different odor.

Properties: The quality
of Petitgrain oil can be evaluated by its physicochemical properties. Here are
the properties of genuine Petitgrain distilled in Southern France as outlined
in Guenther’s work. …

of Main Components: The high amount
of ester in the form of linalyl acetate lends the fruity odor to the oil while
various amounts of the other components lend the personality to each of the
different types of Petitgrain. Chemical Components are 80% made up of
linalyl acetate and linaloöl in a proportion of 2:1 and limonene, dipentene,
citral and others.

Linalyl Acetate chemical molecule

of Petitgrain Bigarade ~ Soluble in 2.8 to 4.5 volumes of 70% alcohol,
rarely with opalescence, but often with some precipitation. — Guenther


tonic and astringent

Properties and Uses of Petitgrain ~ Inhaled to ease the nervous system and soothe
nerves that stimulate the muscles; used in skin care properties for excessive
acne, to reduce excessive perspiration and in shampoo and soap for greasy hair
and skin. It is a great toner to all body care products. Wonderful in woody or
fougére perfumes.

            Can be used as part of an aphid
insecticide. Natural essential
oils such as coriander oil and petitgrain oil may be useful in the control of
foxglove aphid (A. solani). After application of these oils mortality of
the pest was significant and amounted to 81.20-99.47% and 89.80-99.50%,
respectively (72 hours after treatment).

does Jeanne Rose use this EO for?  I
like to take a tablespoon of unscented cleanser or oil and add 1 drop of
Petitgrain EO, especially the low-intensity Petitgrain oil, such as Bigerade
and mix these and apply to my skin. Then I take a warm washcloth and touch it
to my face to warm the skin, and then rinse, rinse, rinse with warm water. My
skin feels clean and ready for the day.

Skincare: A useful
antiseptic, it kills bacteria on the skin and works well in cleansers. It can
leave the skin feeling clean and reduces acne.

a Jeanne Rose
Recipe for Aftershave Therapy for Men

4 drops of Lavender oil
4 drops of Bergamot
4 drops of Petitgrain
3 drops of Atlas Cedar oil
Make your synergy and succuss.
Dilute to your specifications or as follows, Add 90 drops carrier oil, lotion or alcohol to dilute to = 12% EO

Diffuse/Diffusion: Petitgrain can be diffused by itself or in any
blend. It lends a tart citrus or green quality and the air feels clean. It
soothes the nervous system, is antispasmodic and is inhaled for “nervous
exhaustion or stress.” — 375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols, p. 127

Emotional/Energetic Use: Inhaled for nervous exhaustion, fatigue or
stress. Inhale to wake-up and to be more positive.

Lemon Petitgrain from Lemon leaves and small fruit. photo by Jill Mulvaney

Best with: Bergamot and all
types of Citrus and other Petitgrain citrus, Clary Sage, Clove, Atlas Cedar,
Lemon Eucalyptus, Frankincense, scented (Pelargonium) Geranium, jasmine.
Juniper CO2, Labdanum, Lavender, Oakmoss, Palmarosa, Patchouli, all
types of Rose, Rosemary, Sage, and any floral, and Ylang Ylang.



Solid Tuberose Perfume Formula #2 – Jeanne
Rose 2003Another Formula is: 1/2 oz. Tuberose wax and 1/2 oz. Lavender
infused Oil.  Melt in a 1 oz. jar in a water bath – slowly and carefully.
When the wax is melted add the following scents: 15 drops Jasmine, 15 drops
Ylang extra, 15 drops Vanilla, 15 drops Petitgrain Mandarin and 3 drops
Vetivert. If you have it, you can also add 3-5 drops Tuberose to bring up the
caramel scent. Stir gently, let it sit until cool and solid.

PETITGRAIN AND LEAVES OF CITRUS ~  You make an herbal infusion of the leaves of
any citrus tree for a nice relaxing herbal bath and add a few drops of
Petitgrain to enhance the scent. This is always a special treat.         

Key Use: Inhale to soothe panic and use externally for clean skin; that is, inhaled for the nervous system  and use in your body-care products.


~ ORANGE FLOWER AND PETITGRAIN DISTILLATION. At the end of March 2003, I had the
opportunity to distill 5 pounds of pure Orange Flowers for Sweet Neroli
Hydrosol obtained from organically grown sweet naval Orange, variety Atwood.
The balance of the leaves and flowers was then sent to another distiller for
the Orange Flower and Petitgrain hydrosol.            The trees were grown in the
foothills edging the great central valley of California near the town of
Lindsay. The trees are grown organically, at 500 feet with a west exposure in
full sun and the area is certified organic. The area is irrigated via the San
Joaquin river. The soil is USDA Porterville cobbly clay. There is about 12
inches of rainfall per year. The harvest was on Wednesday 3/25/03 from about 15
trees. Harvest weather was overcast to full sun, about 75° F and 30%
humidity.  It took 3 hours for each of two persons (6 total) to fill 13
five-gallon buckets with twigs and flowers. This was transported to San
Francisco and arrived on Thursday. Each tree produced about 1 bucket (3.3
lbs./bucket) of easily available twigs with flowers.  This effectively
gently pruned the tree of excess flowers and will leave it able to produce more
and tastier Oranges.            We started with 43 pounds of
twiglets that had blossoms and buds attached. It took 3-man hours (1 hour for 3
persons) to pick off the flowers and to accumulate the 5 pounds of just-opened
flowers.  The fragrance was sweet, intense, floral and fruity with some
green back notes. The balance of the leaves and flowers (38 pounds) was sent to
the larger stainless-steel unit, 1-hour north. The leaves were kept above the
water and must not be immersed in water, as this will cause the
hydrolysis of linalyl acetate. A 4-inch copper tube was added to the
gooseneck. Two hours of distillation produced 12 gallons of hydrosol. pH began
at 5, the scent being green and citrus and as the distillation continued, pH
became more acid to 4.4, the scent becoming more rich, citrus and spicy. 3 ml
of essential oil was produced from the 38 pounds of twigs and flowers.

Lemon petitgrain leaves and fruit

only one distillation that I experienced with citrus flowers/or leaves. Another
that I did was in southern California where I was invited to an abandoned
Orange grove that was left in the middle of a nexus of freeways. The citrus
tree leaves were covered with dust, dirt and smog. My students and I (we were
14 in all), cut branches and sat in a circle picking off the leaves and
individually dusting and then washing each leaf. It took several hours to do
this. I set up my still with a screen inside to lift the leaves up and off of
the boiling water and we steam-distilled the freshly cleaned leaves. Petitgrain
must be steam-distilled and not hydro-distilled to prevent the hydrolysis of
the linalyl acetate which is the most important constituent. Properly distilled
the oil and hydrosol will have a high ester content. The smell was spectacular
but since the Orange grove was located in the middle of a freeway, I cautioned
everyone to smell but not use the distillate.

2003, we distilled 38 lbs. of leaves and twigs of Petitgrain hydrosol. This was
a wonderful hydrosol, very fragrant and sweet.  It was used in skin care
products and simply as a mister.  Several misting products were produced
using the hydrosol. Mixed 50/50 with Spearmint hydrosol produced a very
refreshing and fragrant fruity, citrus mint hydrosol. Fabulous to use. If the organic
citrus farmers of central California would collect and distill leaves and twigs
of their sweet Orange crop, they would have a value-added product in the way of
sweet Petitgrain hydrosol.

NOTE: A true hydrosol should be specifically distilled for the hydrosol, not as
a co-product or even a by-product of essential oil distillation. The plant’s
cellular water has many components most are lost under pressurized short steam
runs for essential oil, or by using dried material. We recommend that the
producers specifically distill for a product by using plant material that is

HISTORICAL USES ~ Petitgrain is used since the 1700s in the
Perfumery industry. It lends a citrus woody note to perfumes.

HISTORY & INTERESTING INFORMATION ~ “Petitgrain from Citrus aurantium: Essential
Oil of Paraguay” by Daniel Gade
— EcoBot 33(1), 1979, pp. 63-71        

Petitgrain History

CONTRAINDICATIONS: It is not like other citrus oils as it is
steam-distilled and not cold-pressed and thus is not photosensitive. Only
contraindications are if you have already sensitivities to citrus oils.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: GRAS – generally recognized as safe.

A Snapshot of
Petitgrain Odor

Mandarin Petitgrain & Paraguay Petitgrain Odor Snapshot

Snapshot of Petitgrain sur Fleur and Petitgrain Absolute

Petitgrain Odor Snapshots of 4 kinds of Petitgrain essential oil

Using the Advanced Vocabulary of Odor to describe the scent of Mandarin Petitgrain leaves by Jeanne Rose. For further study with Jeanne Rose and to learn the Vocabulary of Odor enroll in class, April 2020. See /calendar.html

Steffen. Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin. Arctander. 1960Gorski, R., Kania, A. Influence
of coriander and petitgrain oils on the mortality of foxglove aphid
(Aulacorthum solani Kalt.) occurring on tobacco.Guenther, Ernest.
The Essential Oils. Krieger Publishing. Florida. 1976Harman, Ann. Harvest to Hydrosol.  IAG Botanics. 2015 (supporter of
testing hydrosols)Herbal Studies Course/ Jeanne Rose. San Francisco California, 1992Mabberley, D. J. Mabberley’s Plant-Book, 3rd edition, 2014
printing, Cambridge University Press.Mojay, Gabriel.  Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit. 
Rochester, Vermont:  Healing Arts Press, 1999.Rose, Jeanne.  375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols.  Berkeley,
California: Frog, Ltd., 1999Rose, Jeanne.  The Aromatherapy Book: Applications & Inhalations. 
San Francisco, California:

Petitgrain absolute

absolute ~ lovely perfume ingredient from Eden Botanicals

Originally, Petitgrain EO, which means “small
seed” was actually distilled from the immature and small, round green fruits of
the Citrus trees.  Of course, if you distill the fruits then there will be
no mature fruit to eat or preserve.  So eventually, the distillation was
limited to the leaves and small branchlets, but the oil is still called

Floral Floral Perfume•

Current correct Latin Names of the Citrus



Essential Oil Safe Precautions

Photo courtesy of Rana Sohail citrus

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