Monday, July 1, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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The Essential Herbal Blog: Essential Herbal, January/February

 The current issue emailed out to subscribers yesterday.  Our computers put up a good fight, but in the end, we won. We always have a struggle when we start a new year, but I think we have it figured out.  Finally!  The year starts off with a spectacular Herb of the Year chosen by the International Herb Assoc., being covered well by Kristine Brown.  Another highlight is a really nice and wide-ranging article on Jerusalem Artichokes, with additional recipes from other contributors. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Crossword, A New Year at The Essential Herbal  Just for fun, we think you’ll know most of these – or you might pick up a new
bit of info!

Field Notes from the Editor, Tina Sams  Big changes for us, but the magazine will stay just as it is.  Life never stays the same, right?

You Can’t Beat Beets, Alicia Allen These jewels of the earth seem to have lovers and haters, with few in
between.  Alicia gives us several ways to
give them another try.

Elderberry Shrub and Mocktail Recipe for Immune Sup­port, Jessicka
Nebesni  Staying healthy with herbal recipes can be delicious and feel luxurious at the
same time!

Alcohol Substitutes for Dry January, Marcy Lautanen Raleigh  Creative ways to create mocktails that are such delicious beverages January
might not be enough.

The Garden Year, Jackie Johnson, NDGardening is really a yearlong endeavor, even though we usually only think
about the growing season and the harvest. 
A month to month guide to the activities that make up the rest of the

Spices, Kathy Musser  6 of our most useful spices briefly described with ideas for use.

Jerusalem Artichokes, Rebekah Bailey  If you haven’t tried eating or growing Jerusalem Artichokes, you’ll want to
after reading all about them.  Excellent
perennial food source, even with limited space!

Sunchoke Chips, Tina Sams  My favorite recipe(s) for these useful tubers.

Sunchoke Soup, Susanna Reppert-BrillDelightful soup utilizing Jerusalem Artichokes and potatoes that you’ll love!  

Herb of the Year™: Yarrow, Kristine Brown RH(AHG) All about Yarrow, including tincture instructions, a wound powder, and fever
reducing tea!  Learn how Yarrow got her
tattered leaves, too.

Yarrow for the Teeth, Sylett Strickland Interesting and successful experiment for the teeth and gums.

Book Excerpt: Foraging (as a way of life )We love this book!  We chose the section
on Norway Maple to share because it is such a beautiful, giving tree.  Readers also get a 20% discount until it
comes out in April ’24.

Meet our Contributors   The wonderful group who shares their knowledge
and stories.

Wordfind Puzzle  and Crossword
Solution New wordfind for the season! 
And just in case you didn’t know all the answers to the crossword,
here’s the key.

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