Saturday, October 5, 2024

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Things You Need To Do After Recovery -Natural cure

 The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global health crisis with the number of deaths and steady rise in the new cases increasing daily throughout the globe. Normally, a COVID-19 patient with mild symptoms usually takes around 2 weeks, while a seriously infected case takes about a month to recover. A holistic approach is needful for follow-up care for the well-being of all post-Covid recovering patients. Following a good health regime, involving a nutritious diet, exercise, stress-relieving measures, and yoga often help in early recovery. A good immune system is vital for the prevention, to safeguard from disease progression.
Covid-19 affects multiple organs and body systems, including the heart, blood vessels, lungs, kidneys, skin, brain, and nerves. Some of the signs and symptoms of lingering Covid conditions are continuous shortness of breath, chest pain, breathing trouble, the reappearance of fever, severe fatigue, painful joints or muscles, and dizziness while standing. The complications associated with patients recovered from Covid-19 include the impact on lungs, kidneys, heart which can further lead to a black fungal infection called mucormycosis.
The extent and duration of post-Covid care will depend on symptoms and complications. If there are no post-Covid symptoms or complications, a person may not need any specific post-Covid care and continue with universally accepted norms of a healthy lifestyle — diet, exercise, and avoidance of smoking and alcohol.
There are cases that have been reported, where patients had the novel coronavirus again. Individuals who are at a high risk of reinfection are either old or don’t take enough preventive measures additionally to protect their immune system which makes post-COVID care important for them. Even though the virus is no longer in your body, you still need to be cautious about what you do in the next few days.  Taking precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, wash hands regularly, avoiding crowds, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue will help in protecting you and others from COVID recurring.
Here are the post-Covid care steps suggested for an individual by Doctors:
1. Have a balanced nutritious diet
Those who have recently recovered from the coronavirus need more energy, proteins, vitamins, and minerals to regain stamina and energy. Experts suggest that one’s diet should include foods that boost immunity, preferably easy to digest freshly cooked soft diet. Make sure your diet includes plenty of proteins, legumes, seeds, nuts, boiled eggs, fruits, and probiotics. Avoid fast food, sugary beverages, and carbonated drinks. Drink plenty amount of water to stay hydrated.
(ALSO READ: 11 Foods that Boost Immunity Naturally during Covid-19)
2. Self-health monitoring at home
While at home, it is important to monitor the condition of patients like body temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar regularly at least once a day for any signs, symptoms, and complications. Continue to monitor your blood oxygen saturation level with your pulse oximeter (a medical device that monitors the blood oxygen level). Even if you have recovered from COVID, there could be lung damage that you might not be aware of. If so, your oxygen level will fluctuate and fall below 90. You will need to consult your doctor right away. Look for early warning signs like high-grade fever, breathlessness, Sp02 < 95% (oxygen saturation level), unexplained chest pain, new onset of confusion, and focal weakness.
3. Exercises
All patients after getting cured of Covid-19 must continue with breathing exercises. Daily practice of yogasana, pranayama, and meditation, as much as your body permits or as prescribed by your physician.
One prime concern of people after recovering from covid-19 is about the right time to resume workout sessions. The Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) Sports Medicine Institute in New York recently published a set of guidelines for people to return safely to their workout sessions after Covid-19.
Always start slow and perform low-intensity exercises for 5-10 minutes a day. Asymptomatic patients can resume their workout sessions after 7-10 days. Patients with co-morbid conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, or renal failure should wait for 3-4 weeks before they start exercising. The best exercise is to start with jogging or walking for 5-10 minutes and then double the timing slowly. One should stop exercising if they start feeling breathless and should not over-exert.

Patients who have clotting complications should consult their doctor before starting any exercise.
For patients dealing with respiratory problems like pneumonia, it is ideal to take a rest for a week or 10 days before starting a workout routine.
Patients suffering from chronic cardiac issues should take a break of 2-3 weeks before resuming any exercise regimen.

4. Avoid Tobacco smoking and consumption of alcohol

5. Tests you must take 
People with co-morbidities like hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, or renal failure should consult their doctor and perform some tests to see whether Covid-19 has had any impact on organs like the heart, kidney, liver. Patients who have been infected by Covid-19 should get vaccinated 3 months after the recovery.
(ALSO READ: High Blood Pressure or Hypertension and its Natural Treatments)
6. Diabetes care
Special care should be taken for patients who are diabetic because while on the treatment they would have been subjected to steroids by a Physician, which tends to escalate the sugar levels. Its usually observed after recovery such patients go back to their normal diets and they can end up in hospitals again because of high sugar levels. Always be in touch with your doctor if you are suffering from co-morbidities.
(ALSO READ: Diabetes and Natural Treatments)
7. Avoid the usage of multiple medications
The use of multiple medications should be avoided, due to the potential for unknown drug-drug interaction, like taking of Alopethic and natural remedies which may lead to serious Adverse Effects. Always Inform your Doctor about all medicines that you are taking. Take regular medications as advised for Covid-19 and also for managing co-morbidities.
8. Get adequate 8 hrs sleep and rest
Proper sleeping times should be maintained, an average of 6-8hrs of minimum sleep is needed. When you sleep, your body speeds up the recovery procedure. During sleep, the immune system releases certain cytokines which remove toxins and physical stress from our body and increase our immunity.
9. Avoid using common toilets for 1-2 months
Use a separate toilet. Studies have shown that infectious viruses may be present in stool samples. A study from China, published in the journal Gastroenterology in March 2020, reports that the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 can spread via feces. Viruses may last for more than 15 days in stool after you get cured of Covid. But More studies will be needed to understand how much, and for how long coronavirus can spread through feces.
10. Loss of smell and taste
Most Covid-19 sufferers who lose the ability to taste or smell (Anosmia) recover within three or four weeks. A recent study presented by The American Academy of Neurology found that 10 to 15% recovering from COVID-19 still lose the senses up to 5 months. Experts say having COVID-19 can cause inflammation that damages key nerves. It can even affect a part of the brain that deals with the senses. People who have upper respiratory problems or allergies may take longer days to regain the smell.
11. Cough will persist for 2-3 months
Cough is one of the signs during and post-COVID. To stop dry cough with itching instantly, melt a pinch of turmeric powder or dry ginger powder in the tongue or 1-2 pinch of Licorice powder with honey in the tongue to avoid dry cough and irritation. For chesty cough, steam inhalation is effective to loosen the mucus. Inhaling steam by adding 1 tsp Turmeric powder in water is a great way to get rid of a chesty cough. Also, health experts recommend saline gargles with turmeric and salt for sore throat and cough.
12. Insomnia
Patients recovering from COVID-19 reported difficulty in sleeping. Some of the causes include anxiety, mental stress or loneliness triggered due to staying in isolation for weeks or being hospitalized for critical conditions. There’s another symptom, generally termed as ‘brain fog’, seen in those recovered from Covid who find it difficult to concentrate and suffer from anxiety and depression. Exercise and a balanced healthy nutritious diet, help your mind and body to stay healthy and fit. Do yoga and meditation to calm your body and mind. 
(ALSO READ: Anxiety and Natural Treatment)
13. Hair Loss
Some people may experience hair loss after being sick with COVID-19. The type of hair loss is associated with COVID-19 is called telogen effluvium (TE).  Doctors believe that due to the physical and emotional stress that accompanies a case of COVID-19 can lead to a reversible hair loss condition. This can be controlled by taking Vitamin B complex, Biotin supplements, fruits and vegetables, getting plenty of rest, and staying hydrated.
Natural remedy to stop hair fall and revitalize hair growth  –Apply onion juice on the scalp with the help of a cotton ball. Leave it for 30-45 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo. Applying onion juice to the hair and scalp could increase blood supply to hair follicles, which in turn improves hair growth. Onion juice contains sulfur which helps make the roots stronger thereby prevents hair loss and promotes new growth. It is also said that the anti-bacterial properties of onion keep scalp infections control and keep the hair healthy and strong.
(ALSO READ: Onion Juice for Hair Growth)
After having recovered from a coronavirus infection, it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle and focus on alarming signals. Follow instructions from your doctor and health care department including following general steps of staying hydrated and drinking plenty of fluids, practicing breathing exercises and meditation, following a nutritious diet, getting adequate sleep, avoiding smoking and alcohol will always keep yourself fit. COVID care is essential and should not be ignored. This is important for your future health!  

Disclaimer:  Content on this site is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed healthcare professional. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. We by no means will be held responsible for any bad effects that can come out of using these medicines. 
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