Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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Traveling With Kratom – LEAF OF LIFE BOTANICALS

People are using kratom for pain relief, anxiety, depression, lethargy, lack of motivation, agoraphobia (fear of going out of home into public realms), and other issues. They have found kratom (scientific name is mitragyna speciosa) to be far safer, cheaper, and more effective than Big Pharma opioids and benzos.

Many rely on kratom to live a normal, productive life and are very successful at integrating themselves into family, work environments, and social circles. Kratom is even being used to help addicts and alcoholics to kick their self-destructive habits, while greatly decreasing withdrawal symptoms.

But what if you have to travel for business, family, or personal reasons? You don’t want to stop using kratom, because you don’t want to have those feelings of pain, sorrow, and panic returning. But you also don’t want to be arrested for drug trafficking and go to prison for years.

How do you deal with kratom when you journey from state to state or to foreign countries?You must find out if kratom is legal at your destination AND at places you travel through to get to that destination (something many forget to account for). Laws are changing frequently, so you must do your own research to find the latest, up-to-date information on kratom’s legality.

Even better, contact the officials in each state or nation you plan to travel to and through to get their policy and rules regarding the substances you need to carry. You must also do this for any other medicines and medical equipment (like syringes or asthma inhalers, for example) that you plan to take with you.

Here is a list of very important tips to keep yourself safe and free from imprisonment as you travel with kratom and other medicines:

(1) Do NOT travel with our tea when going to or through US states, cities, or foreign countries where it’s illegal. Customs will treat you like a heroin dealer. You’ll go to prison, for LIFE in some countries!

(2) Do NOT put your tea into capsules, except when you get to your hotel room, and even then, be extremely secretive and careful. A housekeeping maid may snoop around, find mysterious capsules, and report you.

(3) Keep ALL your tea in the original, clearly labeled packaging. This goes for all prescription drugs, too. Having loose pills or powders, apart from the pharmacy bottle with the prescription label on it, is illegal. (Many people do not know this!)

(4) Check the laws of the countries you are traveling through and to. Also check the regulations of your airline, airports, and its connections.

(5) PLEASE remember that if you have a layover at another country, it is advisable that you always keep your kratom in your checked baggage, as it is unlikely that it is going to be checked at the layover airport.

Nevertheless, if you know that kratom is legal at your destination place and choose to carry your supply with you, make sure that kratom is legal at the layover country or region, and avoid leaving the airport secured area.

(6) Please always keep your kratom in your checked baggage, this way you will avoid most problems when traveling with kratom on a plane.

However, if you need to take your kratom with you, the best thing to do is to carry it in its original unopened package so it is easier to identify. Don’t bring already opened, unsealed packages of it on your trip. Inspectors will suspect you put something else into the bag, switched it out or added something to it.

But then again, the CDC warns us that if your checked baggage is lost, you’ll be without your medicine, so they suggest that you pack it into your carry-on luggage.

(7) Even with all these precautions heeded, you can still get into serious trouble, because our tea is unfamiliar to most people — and customs agents and airport security are very paranoid and hostile to mysterious substances.

(8) Laws are in flux, continually changing, even within certain counties within states where it’s generally legal. So do research for up-to-date legality info on all the places you will be traveling both TO and THROUGH.

USA Today article on “How To Pack Medicine for a Trip to Europe” states this:“You’re allowed to carry medications in any “reasonable quantity” as you enter and leave the United States. So bring enough for your trip, plus at least a few days’ extra in case of delays – it’s usually okay up to a maximum of 90 days. That medication can go in either your checked or carry-on luggage, but, assuming it’s really vital for your well-being, you should always pack it in your carry-on so you’ll have immediate access, even if your checked bag(s) go missing.

The TSA has strict rules about how much liquid you can pack in your carry-on, but you’re allowed to carry liquid medications in excess of that amount – as long as you let the TSA screeners know about the extra liquid before they start screening your bags, and as long as you’re ready to prove its medical necessity….

Your doctor is a valuable ally in the quest to keep you and your medications together, especially if you’re packing extra needles, oxygen tanks, lots of liquid medication or anything else that might raise eyebrows at a security screening point. A note from your doctor explaining medical necessity is usually enough to get you through security with those items.

You can also ask your doctor for a list of the active ingredient(s) in each medication, along with their generic equivalents. This information – along with a copy of the prescription – is invaluable if you find yourself stranded and need an emergency resupply.

Major bonus points if you have both lists translated into the language of your destination country.”

Here’s some advice on traveling with medicines from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency.

The U.S. State Department has some articles online regarding health issues when traveling overseas.

Here’s an article on “Rx for Jail? What To Know Before Taking Your Meds Abroad.”

Check out what the CDC says about traveling to Europe and the Arab countries with drugs.

You may be surprised how strict the regulations are and how much serious trouble you can get into. For example, this portion of their advice:

“Check with the foreign embassy of the country you will be visiting, or passing through, to make sure your medicines are permitted in that country.

Here are some countries where, as of August 2018, kratom is illegal or where it could be problematic to travel with it (laws are changing all the time):










New Zealand




Saudi Arabia


South Korea


United Kingdom

United Arab Emirates


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