Saturday, October 5, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Using Herbs to Support Fever

Recently I shared a video on YouTube about using herbs to help support fever.
Because this blog post is meant to be a supportive accompaniment, I would strongly suggest checking out the video below so you have some context for the list I am about to share.

Please note – nothing shared with you today is meant to be interpreted as medical advice or a treatment for a specific condition. I share this information for educational purposes only and strongly recommend that you consult your natural health care practitioner of choice OR continue to do your own empowered research. 
Some Amazing Febrifuge Herbs to Consider
There is a long list of herbal allies that can help support us when we are moving through and experiencing illness that presents with a fever. When we are narrowing down and deciding which herbs to use, it is wise to look at the other properties that the plant has. If you have a sinus infection and are experiencing headache, nasal congestion and a fever; choosing a plant that is a febrifuge, a decongestant and aids with stimulating the immune system would be great wouldn’t it?
If you want to learn how to formulate and truly deep dive into how to use herbs to support you and your family, while becoming empowered to experience greater health and vitality, I invite you to explore my monthly membership platform, Weavers of Plant Wisdom.

The List of Febrifuges
This list is by no means exhaustive, but these tend to be the herbs I use most often in clinic.

Achillea millefolium – Yarrow
Eupatorium perforliatum – Boneset
Hyssopus officinalis – Hyssop
Inula helenium herb – Elecampane leaf/flower
Marrubium vulgare – White Horehound
Matricaria recutita – German Chamomile
Melissa officinalis – Lemon balm
Mentha spp – Mint species (Peppermint, Spearmint)
Mondarda fistuolsa – Wild Bergamot
Nepeta cataria – Catnip
Plantago spp. – Plantain
Potentilla recta – Sulfur cinquefoil
Prunella vulgaris – Heal-all
Sambucus nigra – Elderflower/Elderberry
Saponaria officinalis – Soapwort
Urtica dioica – Stinging nettle herb

I hope you find this list of fever herbs useful in your own learning and in the act of building your home apothecary.
Until next time,

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