Saturday, June 29, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Why Be Quiet About Your Kratom Experience?

People who use kratom are so amazed, they feel like talking about its many benefits. But in some cases, it’s better to be silent about kratom. It can be good to say nothing about kratom to certain types of individuals. You should share your kratom experience, yes, but do it carefully and selectively.

Enthusiasm is good, and kratom desperately needs activists right now, but should you gush indiscriminately about kratom, regaling others about your wonderful experiences and symptom relief, in what Buddhists call “outgoing exuberance”?

Kratom tends to make users talkative. Users of kratom are frequently more assertive in their social skills, the words flow freely, as a sense of well-being takes over. But are there persons who should probably not be told about your enjoyment of kratom?

There is so much disinformation, myths, and lies about kratom, why not tell everyone the truth about it? Because telling the wrong person can have negative consequences for you. If you’ve been in the kratom lifestyle for several years, this is already quite clear to you.

These are not iron-clad, one-size-fits-all recommendations. They are just strong suggestions based on years of kratom use and forum discussions.

Do NOT Discuss Kratom With:

ONE Doctors.

Medical care providers tend to be caring individuals who want to help. Unfortunately, most of them have also been indoctrinated by Big Pharma to be prejudiced against the original medicine, proven effective for thousands of years: therapeutic herbs and edible plants.

So, medical professionals will be opposed to anything natural that they never heard of, or that they’ve heard bad things about in the mainstream media, where Big Pharma spends huge amounts of money advertising their prescription and over-the-counter products.Your doctor, nurses, lab technicians, healthcare providers should only be told what they need to know and will understand objectively. Unless you have a strong reason to tell your doctor that you are using kratom, it’s best to shut up about it. If you are going to have surgery, or have some treatment that knowledge of all your supplements and medications are critical, then you may have to reveal your kratom usage.But be extremely careful. Do research online, rather than discuss this topic with your doctor, unless you have a compelling reason, like a certain set of health issues that require your physician to know everything you use.

Once you tell a medical professional about your taking kratom, lots of negative events could occur. You may be marked in your permanent chart as exhibiting “drug-seeking behavior”. You may be considered a rebellious, non-compliant patient. You may never be prescribed any pain medication since they think you’re a dope experimenter. You may be lectured on the imagined evils of kratom and natural remedies that are not approved by orthodox medical practice. The snowball starts rolling…

TWO Co-workers.

Smiling to your face, but quick to spread juicy gossip. Even the best of fellow employees are bored to some degree. They perk up when you tell them something that strikes them as odd. They might even interrogate you and try to position you as a recreational party drug thrill-seeker, without coming right out and telling you that to your face.

Not to be paranoid, but your privacy about personal health issues is something to respect and protect. If some co-worker is suffering from something that kratom is said to provide relief for, then you might want to take them aside and tell them about kratom and how you use it.

But in general, it’s always safest to stick with the Need To Know doctrine of the military. If it serves no real purpose for them to have it, the information will not be forthcoming. It will remain private. So no one can make fun of you for being “weird” and using “strange foreign potions”.

THREE Employers.

There is probably zero reasons to let your boss or company CEO know about your use of kratom. Some companies will not tolerate any experimentation with substances said to be psychoactive or opioid-like in effects. It would alarm them to a high degree and you might even lose your job.

If a doctor didn’t prescribe it directly for you personally, most corporations will label alternative substance use as “drug-seeking behavior”, meaning “you’re just a lowlife junkie”. It’s not fair or true, but that’s the unfortunate reality in many places of business.

FOUR Spiritual guides.

Pastors, priests, counselors, and other metaphysical teachers and seers (aside from the tribal shaman, who respects traditional plants in ritual and healing) tend to reject most solutions that are not prayer, laying on of hands, faith healing, sacrament-based, or repentance oriented. They may tolerate or champion doctors, but when it comes to things like cannabis, kratom, magic mushrooms, and other natural psychoactive plants, they have veered far astray from their ancient elders.

You will likely be thought to be hedonistic, close to witchcraft herbology, if not outright sinful, even damned, according to many religious authorities, if you defiantly defy orthodox medicine and try plants or other things that are not prescribed for you. Be ready for a stern lecture to use the organization’s solutions for trouble and sorrow, and not venture too far outside that limited realm.

FIVE Family.

Even though you are very close with your brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, mom, dad, you might want to avoid discussing kratom with them. Why? Well, sometimes family members can feel free to probe deeply with a negative viewpoint, so you’re not seen as superior to them in any possible way.

Genuinely loving relations can go sour if you are discovered doing something that is not “normal” or blabbered about constantly on mainstream media and cable news programs. Especially if negative reporting, biased and incomplete, has been spinning a horror story about kratom, to protect Big Pharma’s market for opioids and benzos.

Your family probably knows nothing about kratom or has heard false, bad things about it. So you may have a big chore of basic education at least. At worst, you could run into the heart of a troublesome tornado of bitter debate and hurt feelings.

Again, if certain family members are sincerely open to new ideas and are seeking relief that kratom might provide, tell them about kratom. But be careful not to come off as too hyped up. They might attribute your energy as just a weird effect you get from kratom. They know you well and will notice subtle clues, little nuances, slight changes in how you act and talk.


You can still love and get along happily with all these groups of people. Just don’t jump right into praising kratom and divulging what you do with it. That kind of scenario can go wrong quickly and create a mess that you’ll never be able to totally clean up.

Share your kratom experiences with only select individuals you can trust and who actually need to hear your reports. Make sure they check out this Leaf of Life Botanicals Blog for answers to the questions they’ll have.

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