Sunday, June 30, 2024

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Why This Kratom Blog Exists and What It Does

It’s not easy finding good, reliable facts and personal stories about kratom online. The internet is loaded with misinformation about kratom.

This Leaf of Life Botanicals blog is meant to provide you with the information you need to enjoy and benefit fully from the kratom lifestyle. It’s to our advantage to know as much as we can about any substance we may be using as a dietary supplement or home remedy.

No matter how long you’ve been using kratom, you probably still have some questions. You may be curious about kratom for pets, kratom in cosmetics, best ways to take kratom, different forms of kratom, who discovered kratom, what are the kratom alkaloids that produce effects, and other issues.

There are so many fake news reports out there. Lame stream media, unduly influenced by Big Pharma, has published a lot of “Reefer Madness” hysteria that’s biased against kratom.

This makes it even more vital to have a trusted source of kratom information.

So this blog exists in order to answer any possible question anyone could have regarding kratom. And some questions you might not have thought of yet. We each have had our own personal questions about kratom, and then we receive inquiries from other people, often these are challenging and provoke us to do some research on the topic.

Sometimes a seemingly odd question can have wide ramifications. Characteristics of kratom are often veiled by lack of knowledge. New studies appear with good news about kratom. Viewpoints you might not have entertained can pop up in discussions. Aspects of kratom are brought up, that are entirely unknown to you.

It sucks to not have answers.

When it comes to kratom, the mainstream medical and pharmaceutical industries are not helpful. They tend to be biased against natural substances, things that don’t generate colossal revenues for them. Sorting through the garbage on the web can be frustrating and time-consuming. But the questions about kratom persist.

You likely have a close friend, with whom you’ve talked about kratom a few times. Or a family member, neighbor, church companion, club member, or other individual who, when you think back, you recall them asking you questions about kratom. You may not have had a ready answer for all of them.

What this blog does is – it tries to give you every possible angle on kratom that could be useful to you as an individual. It tackles questions that appear on kratom forums and herbal discussion groups. It deals with queries made by friends and family members.

What you can do with this blog is – study the various posts that seem relevant to you. Get smarter and be better prepared to serve others with your knowledge and experiences. Topics like rotating strains, traveling with kratom legally, how to defend kratom, what are the wobbles, avoiding constipation and dehydration, what to do when kratom stops working, and others are very important to have good information on.

When you see a question on a kratom forum that’s not associated with a kratom vendor, post a comment with a link to one or more Leaf of Life Botanicals blog articles that answer that question. A discussion forum on kratom that’s associated with the study of herbal remedies or therapeutic plant substances in general will probably allow that.

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